Saturday, February 26, 2011

Duke ordered to shut Indiana units - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The move follows a jury ruling last year thatthe plant’w previous owner, Cinergy Corp., violated federal emissions standards after it refurbished the units without a Charlotte-based Duke (NYSE:DUK) bought Cinergy in Aprikl 2006 for $9 billion. At the time of last year’es ruling, Duke proposed that units 2, 3 and 5 be retired in when the company’s new integrated gasification combined-cyclse plant in Edwardsport, Ind., comews on line. The court’s order accelerates that timetable bythree years.
Shutting down units 2, 3 and 5 will removwe a combined capacity of 265 That is 39 percent ofthe station’s 677-megawatt power-generating The units affected by the judge’s decision are more than 50 yearw old, says Jim Turner, presidengt and chief operating officer of Duke’s franchised electri and gas segment. He says the order should not impacgtthe company’s operations this year because of changes Duke had alreadh made following the jury’s verdict last year.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

La Madeleine chooses new HQ site in Dallas - Austin Business Journal:
La Madeleine said it will relocateinto 17,000 square feet at 12201 Meriy Drive in Dallas. The building that will house the restauranf chain is a Class A building that just recentl yunderwent renovation. Le Madeleinw signed a 10-year lease with Parmenter Two Forest LP for the La Madeleine said it was attracted to the spacse because the facility provides the company with the room needed to grow withthe Dallas-based architectural firm Benson and Hlavaty will desigj the interior space. The facility is schedulex to be ready for its new tenantsin mid-July. La Madeleine'd current headquarters is at 6688 N. Centrak Exwy, Ste. 700 in Dallas.
La Madelein e was represented byJosh White, senior vice presidentg with ; and Sharron Morrison, principal with The landlord was represented by Matt Schendle, vice president with .

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wildfires keep Forestry Commission busy - Charleston Post Courier

rubber roofing

Roanoke Times

Wildfires keep Forestry Commission busy

Charleston Post Courier

The SC Forestry Commission responded to more than 92 wildfires, said Scott Hawkins, a spokesman for the commission. As of 4:30 pm, 51 of those fires were still active, he said. Hawkins was not counting the numerous brush fires that tri-county fire ...

Forestry Commission: Fire 'Biggest In Decades'

WYFF Greenville

Dozens of brush fires burn Monday throughout South Carolina


Residential Burns Spark Blazes Across State

WSFA -WMBF -News Channel 7


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Treasury limits bonuses at TARP recipients - Birmingham Business Journal:

concrete roofs
The new rules encourage those companiex to award executives stock that must be held for a long periodeand can’t be entirely converted to cash until the TARP monegy is repaid to the government. the department contends, will alig “executives’ incentives with those of shareholders and Kenneth Feinberg, a mediator who led the Septembedr 11th Victim Compensation Fund, will reviewq payments and compensation plans at companies that have receivex “exceptional assistance.” The group includes Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) as well as , , , Financial Services and . TARP recipients also must alloew shareholders to vote on executivecompensatio packages.
And they must disclose any perks worthu morethan $25,000 made to highly compensated employees and justify the benefit. The rulese prohibit companies fromprovidinfg “gross-up” payments to senior executives to cover taxeds due on perks. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithne r says the Obama administration also supportxs legislation that would require all publixc companies to give shareholders a nonbindintg vote on executivecompensation packages. In addition, he says Congress shoulxd give the Securities and Exchanges Commission the power to make compensation committeedsmore independent, similar to the standards in place for audift committees established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Geithner blames executive compensation practices asa “contributing for the financial crisis. “Incentives for short-term gaind overwhelmed the checks and balances mean to mitigate against the risk ofexcess leverage,” he But, he adds, “We are not capping pay. We are not settinyg forth precise prescriptions for how companie s shouldset compensation, which can often be counterproductive.
we will continue to work to develo standards that reward innovation andprudentt risk-taking, without creating misaligned

Monday, February 14, 2011

Equifax: Small biz bankruptcies double in March - San Francisco Business Times:
Sacramento, Calif. Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, Ill. Anaheim-Irvine, Oakland-Fremont, Calif. Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore.-Wash. Commercial bankruptcies nearlyt doubled in March 2009 fromMarch 2008, Equifax noted. "The March numbers provide a snapshotyof what's been happening to the smalol business sector during this period of economidc turmoil," said Reza Barazesh, head of Equifax's North Americab Commercial Analytical Services Group, in a news release.
"Not the highest number of small-business bankruptciees are in those parts of the countryh where home prices havedecreased dramatically, unemployment has increasec significantly, and credit has become For the analysis, Equifax analyzedc both Chapter 7 and Chapteer 13 filings. Chapter 7 is a liquidationj proceeding in which a debtor receives a discharge of all while Chapter 13 is a reorganizatiojn bankruptcy enabling filers to pay off debt over a set periocdof years. Equifax reviewed and analyzed small businesse datafor March, the most recent montbh for which complete data is available.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Port San Antonio tenant begins air cargo service to Mexico - Dayton Business Journal:
, the port’s foreign trade zone operator, will host the service on LOGITEX USA will serve as thesalee agent. Mexpress is an air cargo transportation company that catersto small- to medium-sized companies that need to ship less than a traile r load of supplies. Mexpress, in turn, will aggregatd the cargo and ship materials out via air cargo shippers at the port three timewa week. “This servicee will be very important to companieas in need of air cargop transport between our region and the strategic cargoo centersin Mexico,” says Jorge Canavati, vice president of businesws development for Port San Antonio.
“At the same time it is an efficien t tool for small and medium sized companies that need to ship a pallet or two at a The companies involved in this partnershil envision offering this service to otheer markets in Mexico andCentrak America. The companies could also serve as a feederr to and from Asia througuh international aircargo hubs. “We are opening new trad horizons in dealing with PortSan Antonio.” Mexpreszs President Carlos Duron says.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

TagStation Now Available To Listeners Of All Emmis Music Stations - Music Indistry News Network

TagStation Now Available To Listeners Of All Emmis Music Stations

Music Indistry News Network

"It offers our iPod, iTouch, iPhone and automobiles with iTunes listeners an accurate artist and title on the radio display along with the ease of iTunes ...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rite Aid nixes Baltimore convention - Baltimore Business Journal:
Rite Aid, which lost $2.9 billioj in its latest fiscal year and is shuttering distributiob centers as it grapples withthe recession, is one of many big companieas pulling out of conference plans and conventions And such cancellations are hurting what hospitality expertsz call “destination cities” at a time when the industr is already struggling with the economic The national drugstore chain, based in Camp Pa., had been one of Baltimore’s biggesr conventions in recent years, bringing 6,000 people to town and pumpinbg $6 million from direct spending into the city in 2008 and more than $7 milliob the year before.
The company had originall booked 14,500 hotel room nights for its nine-day expo in but had to scrap the conventioj because offinancial pressures. The company reportedx fourth quarter revenue for fiscal 2009of $6.7 “The decision stems from the economic said Ashley Flower, a Rite Aid “We felt it was necessary and similar to what other companiee need to make as a decision.” Flower said the company is in discussions to reschedule its managemenr conference and expo, but no definitre decision has been made yet. Officials declined to say when or whered the next expo wouldtake place. “We can’t book these things Flower said.
The Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association is on the hunt for new vendor s and conferences forthe Aug. 10-189 time slot, officials said. But for hotelzs and restaurants inthe area, Rite Aid’es cancellation stings. “That just took a big hunk out of our saidDee O’Horan, head concierge at . The occupancyg drop could reducethe hotel’s work force; concierg employees have already had their hours reduces to two days a week, she said. “Igt was one of the biggest [conventions]; that conference usually fills most ofthe city’se hotels,” O’Horan said. Nationally, the exhibition industr — conventions, conferences and expos saw an 11.
6 percent decline in shows and revenue in the first three months of the according to the Centedr for ExhibitionIndustry Research. Revenude alone from conventionsdropped 19.7 percenf in the first quarter compared with the same periods in 2008. Other corporations cutting back on conferenced include Microsoftand eBay, which have recently canceled conferences slatedd for Seattle and Atlanta, respectively. The Rite Aid because it spans nine also enabledthe 6,000 attendees to get aroundf the city and dine at restaurants more restaurateurs said. That lost foot traffixc will eat intorestaurangt sales, they said. bummer,” said Martha Lucius, ownere of Bohéme Cafe downtown.
“When we lose a we lose a Erik Miller, concierge for , said the cancellation not only causesd major vacancies for InnerHarbor hotels, but also for hotele around Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. will also take a hit. Rite Aid stagedd tents and rented theentire 170,000-square-foot Innerf Harbor museum for a party during its last two conventionas in Baltimore. More than 3,000 people attended each event, said Chrisx Cropper, the science center’s senior director of marketing. “It was one of the biggere rental events that we have at the Science Center,” he said.
“Obviously not to have that businessa this year will have some kind of impactton us.” Cropper could not pinpoint how much tota revenue would be lost from the The event forced the attraction to close earliefr to the public on the day it was held, Cropper and officials hope to recover some of the lost income by beinfg open for the entire day this year.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

'Ronald Reagan Day' Proclamation Passed - KGTV San Diego

'Ronald Reagan Day' Proclamation Passed

KGTV San Diego

SAN DIEGO -- Sunday is "Ronald Reagan Day" in San Diego County, under a proclamation passed Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors to mark the 100th ...

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