Monday, July 30, 2012

Outback laptop thief in plea agreement with U.S. Attorney - Kansas City Business Journal:
Eric Brandon Almly, a 34-year-old Miami faces a maximum penalty of 10 yearain jail, a $304,000 fine and threw years of supervised release, the governmenft said. In the case of Outback's laptops, Almly resolsd them around the United States andthe world, a releasee said. According to a plea agreement, Almlh stole laptops from California to Florida and many pointzsin between, often walking into businesses (often corporatw headquarters) and taking their laptops to then sell on . He collectecd more than $154,000.
Other headquarters and businesseas targeted by Almly includedsand 's corporate headquarters in Miami; in in Doral; and , and in Carlsbad, The , the Tampa Police Department, the Miami-Dads Police Department, the Chandledr (Ariz.) Police Department and the Phoenix Polices Department investigated the case.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bart Scott on Tim Tebow: 'How can you ever not accept somebody who has ... - New York Daily News (blog)

Bart Scott on Tim Tebow: 'How can you ever not accept somebody who has ...

New York Daily News (blog)

“How can you ever not accept somebody who has humility, works hard, who's a great teammate? I knew Tebow well before he came here. He showed me the respect to seek me out and asked me how he could be a better pro. I mean, guys don't do that.” ...

and more »

Saturday, July 28, 2012

National Association of Realtors: Second-home sales fall - Baltimore Business Journal:
But, those who are buying are doingy so withcash – with more than four out of 10 investmen buyers and more than three in 10 vacation home buyersw coming to the table with moneu up front. “We expected vacation-home sales to fall given the impacty of a declining economy on discretionary saidLawrence Yun, NAR chief in a news release. “A steady share of investment-homde sales results from buyers taking advantage of deeplgy discounted prices inmany areas, with a smaller portion of new homez in the sales mix.
” The markett share of homes purchased for investmen was 21 percent last year, unchanged from 2007, while an additional 9 percent were vacation homes, down from a 12 percengt market share in 2007, according to NAR. And as with the markeg for primary residences, second-home prices were also down The median price of a vacatioj homewas $150,000 in 2008, down 23.1 percenf from $195,000 in 2007. The typical investmenr propertycost $108,000 last year, which is 28.0 percenft below the 2007 median of $150,000, according to the Realtot group.
The typical vacation-home buyer in 2008 was 46 years old, had a median household incom eof $97,200, and purchasedc a property that was a mediann of 316 miles from their primargy residence. Investment-home buyers in 2008 had a mediamn ageof 47, earned $85,000, and bought a home that was fairlyh close to their primary residence – a median distancr of 19 miles. Twenty-six percent of vacation homes were purchasee insmall towns, 23 percent in a rural 23 percent in resorts, 20 perceng in a suburb and 8 percentr in an urban area or central city.
Twenty-eight percengt of investment homes were purchased ina suburb, 20 percent in an urbam or central city area, 23 percenyt in a rural area, 22 percent in a smalll town and 6 percent in a resortf area. Seventy percent of vacation homes purchased in 2008 weredetachedf single-family homes, 18 percent condos, 5 percenft townhouses or row houses and 7 percent Sixty-four percent of investment homes purchasedc in 2008 were detache d single-family homes, 22 percentg condos, 8 percent townhouses or row housea and 6 percent other. The survey, conductee in March, includes answers from 1,924 usable responses.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Albany-based apparel retailer (NYSE:ANF) told investors Thursday morning that sales at company-owned stores open at leasy a year during May dropped 28 percent. Columbus-based , ownedr of the Victoria’s Secret and Bath and Body Workw chains, reported a 7 percent declineein same-store sales. For Abercrombie, the double-digit percentagew decline in same-store sales was led once again by its Ruehl which marketsto post-college adults. The 29-storee chain saw a same-store sales decline of 33 percent the same montyh the company told investorsw it is looking at strategic options for thestruggling Abercrombie’s Hollister Co.
chain wasn’t far behind with a 32 percenyt same-store sales decline. Total sales for Abercrombie fell 22 percent last monthto $182.1 millioh from $233.1 million a year ago. Limitexd Brands, by comparison, saw total sales fall 6 perceng last monthto $618.7 million from $661.w3 million. Another Ohio retailer with a major Centra lOhio presence, Macy’s Inc. (NYSE:M), told investors Thursday its same-store sales fell 9 percen last month. Total monthly saleds for Macy’s, which has sevehn stores in the area, droppex 9.5 percent to $1.7 billion. Total May sales for the retaiol sector were projected to dropby 3.6 according to Retail Metrics, a Massachusettas firm.
This compares with a 2.7 perceny decline in April. Department stores were forecast to post theweakes results, down 8.5 percent, with “discretionary spendingy still in hiding,” according to the firm’d monthly report. • Abercrombie same-store sales in the first four months of the fiscal year fell 29 percenyt as total sales dropped 23 percentto $794.2 million. A year ago, the company notched $1.03 billion in saled through May. • Same-store sale s for Limited fell 7 percent in the firsftfour months, with total salesw off 10 percent at $2.34 billion. That compares with $2.5 9 billion last year.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crowdsourcing Could Help Deaf People Subtitle Their Everyday Life - Gizmodo

Crowdsourcing Could Help Deaf People Subtitle Their Everyday Life


Crowdsourcing Could Help Deaf People Subtitle Their Everyday Life Subtitles make TV far more accessible for deaf people, but new research promises to give people with hearing difficulties the option to subtitle their everyday lives, too, using ...

Crowdsourcing serves up the subtitles to your life

New Scientist


Monday, July 23, 2012

Haggen beats recession by pleasing thrifty shoppers - bizjournals:
Today, — with 3,800 employees and stores from Ferndale, to Oregon City, Ore. — is the largest independentg grocery business basedin Washington. But the company has not forgottennits roots. It remains headquartered in Bellingham and controlleed by theHaggen family. Dorothy Haggen, the last of the survivin g founders, continued to show up at one of the localk stores for along time. On the Thursday befors she diedlast fall, Dorothy Haggen was there sellingy candy for her church. Haggen Presideng and CEO Dale Henley said the company stilo abides by lessons from thecompanyh founders, who learned they had to be committedc to customers if they wanted to survivd during the Depression.
Even today, veteran employees will pull a new employee aside and remind the person of the importance of treatintshoppers well. “That’s a culturalp thing that has stayed with thecompany forever,” said “That culture came out of the things our founders had to do to take care of customersd and survive during the Great Since joining Haggen in the mid-1980s, Henley has seen the companuy grow from seven stores with aboutt $48 million in sales. Today the company has 33 groceruy stores undertwo brands: Hagge Food and Pharmacy and Top Food. The company had revenues of $844 million in 2008. That 2008 revenure was down slightly byabout 1.6 percent — from 2007.
This year, Henleyy said the company is projectinhg revenues to be upslightly — about 1 Despite the relatively flat revenue, Henleyt said, it’s a relatively good place to be, considering the severity of this recession. “I’m really pleased to be in the grocerg business,” he said, “instead of sellingg cars or TVs.” More customers are shopping and cooking at Henley said. And the company has adjusted.
Henley said Hagge n still emphasizes quality, but the company also has put a majoe emphasis on coupons andits private-label as customers have chosenb more of them over nationap brands to save Haggen also is doing more bargaining with suppliersa and has looked for supply-chain looking to be more efficient about how merchandise is shippexd to stores, for example. “We are doing more with and we are working very hard to keep costd down so we canbe competitive,” said mindful that the grocery business is one of narrow marginsa and hyper-competitiveness. The companyu always has been careful about said Henley.
Because Haggen is privately he said, there isn’t pressure from Wall Street to rapidly ramp up the numbetof stores. The last new storde the company opened was a Top Food storer in aformer Larry’s Market store that Haggen acquiree last year at . Haggen recently completed major remodeld of twostores — one in Snohomish Counthy and one in Olympia. Henley said the company has option on three locations fornew stores, but therde are no plans to open new stores this “We are definitely being careful about where we are spendin g our capital and making sure it is the righty thing to do,” Henley said. But Henley said there would be opportunitiesato grow.
He wants Haggen to be one of the companiesx positioned to take advantage of realestatde bargains, as well as possibly acquiring competitors that mighr be struggling because of the recession. The recession has taken a bite out of someof Haggen’ds prepared food business. But despite the trened of customers looking to save moneyu and cookingfor themselves, Henley said Haggemn is still committed to the long-term strategy that includesx offering customers convenience. “It will be a growtu part of the business,” Henleu said.
“And when the econom turns around, people will start craving for the conveniencee as opposed to doing the workfor

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lull in campaigning as Obama goes to Colorado to visit families of theater ... - Washington Post

Lull in campaigning as Obama goes to Colorado to visit families of theater ...

Washington Post

WASHINGTON â€" President Barack Obama will fly to Colorado on Sunday to visit with the families of victims of the Aurora movie theater shooting, the White House announced, as he and Mitt Romney dialed back their campaigning in the shocked aftermath of ...< /p>

Campaign lull as Obama to visit Colo. victims

Stamford Advocate

Obama Heads to Visit With Families of Victims

Daily Political

Obama and Romney interrupt campaigning over Colorado movie theater shooting

DEBKA file


Saturday, July 21, 2012

ELS Panels Introduces Three New Branded Product Ranges -

ELS Panels Introduces Three New Branded Product Ranges

By Nick Gilbert. ELS Panels, a key supplier of bonded decorative laminate panels in the UK, has expanded its product portfolio with the introduction of three new branded product ranges. ELS Panels has extensive experience to import, bond and make ...

and more »

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Southern Durham Development sues county as Jordan Lake watershed war escalates - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
has filed a lawsuit against Durham Countt to force the county to recognizr watershed boundaries that were on count y maps between 2006and 2008. The which paid $18 million for the land, wante to develop the property locate westof N.C. 751, near where it intersects withFayettevills Road. In the suit filed Wednesday inDurham County, the companty asks a judge to declare the watershed boundaries approvefd in 2006 by former Durham City-County Planning Director Franj Duke to be valif and for the county to pay damages to Southerbn Durham Development in excess of $10,000.
According to the suit, the land’zs previous owner, (Nasdaq: CREE) founder Neal Hunter, paid for a survehy of the property that showed the propert y was outside the watershed boundaries to Jordan Asa result, Duke adjustex the county’s maps. Based on that determination, the lawsuift says, Southern Durham Development purchased the propertg with the intention ofspending $500 millionn to develop as many as 1,300 residentialp units, 600,000 square feet of retaip and office space, plus an elementary a middle school, a sheriff’s substatiob and a fire station.
But some city and count officials started questioning the validity of the surveyh and the watershedboundary lines, despite a reviewq of the boundaries by the Nortu Carolina Division of Water Qualityu that backed Duke’s decision. Earlier this year, the Durham Countyu Board of the Commissioners voted to invalidate the boundary changes approved in 2006 and to beginn a formalrezoning process. That according to the suit, has stalled development and cost thecompanu money. To download a PDF of the complaint, .

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

AT&T cuts iPhone prices, unveils next generation phone - Austin Business Journal:
Customers can purchase the reduced-priced iPhone 3G immediately at AT&T company-owned stores or online. The iPhon e 3G S is available for preordering and will be in storedJune 19. The price cut came in conjunctionwith AT&T'ds reaffirmance of its financiapl guidance for 2009 that targets wireleses service operating income margins in the low 40% range. Dallas-base d AT&T (NYSE: T) said its cost of customed acquisition for iPhone 3G S and the newly priced iPhone 3G are expected to be very similaf to the costs associated with the originaliPhone 3G. In the first quarter, AT&T’ss iPhone activations totaled morethan 1.
6 more than 40 percent of them for customere who were new to the company. “iPhonr 3G S is the fastest, most powerful iPhonwe yet, and we’re extremely proud to offer it to our customers onthe nation’s fastesr 3G network,” said Ralph de la president and CEO, AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets. “We’res also pleased to offer thess innovative phones and plans atincrediblee values, including free Wi-Fi access at nearlhy 20,000 hot spots.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Apparel firm relocating to downtown Dayton - Dayton Business Journal:
, a supplier of embroidered and screen-printed apparel, signs, and promotiona products has signed an agreement to purchase the property at937 S. Patterso n Blvd. The move will initiallty bring 18 newjobs downtown, and could grow to 25 or more withij a few years. The transaction shouldf be completed by October with a move slated forJanuary 2010. The including the building andits outfitting, will cost approximatelu $500,000. The building currently is occupied byMatrix Security.
“We have worked closely with the cityof Dayton’s economic development team to make our vision of moving our businesx into the downtown area a reality,” said Vincde Lewis, chairman and chief executive officer of Lewis and his business partner, Chad Cannon, presidenty of Logos@Work, are working with and to securs financing for the project. Amanda Cox of the brokere d the deal. Lewis and Cannon said they are committecd to being an example of how a move to the downtownn area can help growingbusinesses thrive. “This move is also Cannon said. “The location will provide our morethan 4,000 regional customers easier access to our showroom.
” Cannonm said the new locatiob will provide quick interstate access, and the floor plan is ideallgy suited because of its full in-house productionm capabilities and need for expansion. Logos@Work’s curreny location is on South Dixie Drivein Kettering, and it has a productiobn facility in Moraine.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Taser International launches new line for evidence collection - Phoenix Business Journal:
Dubbed Axon, it is a tactical computer that includesda head-mounted video camera and microphone designed to connecg with existing police systems and send videos and soundd to a central location, the companu said. Coupled with Axon is Taser’s Synapss Evidence Transfer Manager, a devics that recharges the video systems and downloads eventxs recorded bythe device. Companh officials said the devices are a way to better record the transfefr of evidence over what officers see and It includes software that will show if evidencse hasbeen edited. The encrypted data collected by officers would be stored at data centerss around the country rather thanwith police.
Tased also announced the launch ofits Web which will act as the gateway to the In an effort to get the systemxs out to agencies, Scottsdale-based Taser (Nasdaq:TASR) is offering to help departmentzs tap $4 billion U.S. Departmenyt of Justice grants that were rollecd intothe $787 billion stimulue plan passed by Congressz in February.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Smart sales tactics required to successfully battle delayed purchasing decisions - bizjournals:
The challenge is determining if the delay is adisguisedd objection, an unresolved concern, an excuse or real. Most importantly, how can you get to the and move thesale forward? Buyerd are like Wall Street: Neither likesz uncertainty. Understanding risk can help you smooth the progresse towarda decision. Caution is an indication of risk aversionand it’e rampant right now. Sellers become risk-adverse too, not wantin g to hear a negative decision. It is naturallyy easier to continue chasing than togive up.
But considerf that getting a negative decision now is bettert than getting a negativw decision afterinvesting time, energyy and resources pursuing a prospect for weeks or even Try facilitating a discussiohn around best-case and worst-case scenarios. What is the worsg case if they do and what is the best case if theymove forward? What is the worst-case scenario if they buy now, and what is the best case if they dela the decision? Having this conversation gives you the opportunityh to influence their thought process and providde input. Three common themes emerge as reasonds fordelayed decisions, which are: Incomplete or poor initial qualification. Unanswered concerns.
• Changes in priorities. Here is what you can do to diagnosw where you are and what todo First, did you just take the prospect’s word that they coulr benefit from what you’re selling? Qualifying the need meanxs gaining evidence that their situationn justifies the purchase. For example, everyone wantse new office furniture, but how does not buying it now affecgtthe company? It could rangr from lost productivity to poor market image to no effectr at all. If there’zs good evidence of significant impact, the urgency to make a purchase is real. It’as also important to acquire the perspective of all the involved decisionh makers to identifypotential roadblocks.
It’x rare for everyone to agree on needws and priorities withina company. Without this information, it’zs difficult to implement a strategy to move Opportunities that need funding or that are waiting for funding are less likely to close than those that have a budgetalreadyu allocated. Risk-averse sellers avoid having the early crucia conversations about budgetsand money. Hoping that traditionall benefits will carry the decision is riskieer than having a direct and frank discussio about the investment requirements early in thesalesd process. There is a difference between not havingh the budget and being unwillint to investthe budget.
One is a logistica problem while the other is a perceivedvalude problem. You can’t fix logistics, but you can addressz value. In a cautionary climate, you must run an game and qualify thoroughly. Second, a presentatiom or proposal that is premature will automatically generateda stall. Buyers unconsciously go througg three major phasesof First, they evaluate if they have a need that is severs enough to fix. Once a need is the assessment ofoptions occurs. You know the buyer is in this modewhen they’rew talking to competitors, have a committecd budget, or a committee or person is actively working on the Communication is usually active and open during this phase.
Avoicd presenting until prospects are assessing Delays and stalls frequently start when a decisionb isclose internally. A form of pre-buyer’s remorsee occurs. The fear relates to the consequences and difficulty of correctingh awrong decision. The risk compels many to go with a knowb vendor even if theirsolution isn’t the best. Minimizing or dismissing concerns at this poiny will surely resultin failure.
Rather than push for a reassure by using existing customers to convey providetestimonials and, if possible, offer guarantees, insurancee and assurance options to build confidence in the buyer’s Third, priorities do change, and what was painfup 30 to 60 days ago may not be the most pressinbg concern now. You can’t control outsidde events, but you can continud building your relationship and look for additional reasons to elevateeyour solution. Asking “wha if” questions can help you assessz whether the delay is real or justa putoff. Examples mighft be, “What if the other priority getsfixed quickly, where does that put this Or “What if A, B or C happens?
” Ask, “Shoule we terminate this file or shoulx we keep it open?” to determine the extenty of the delay. Prospectsa are reluctant to provide negativeinformation voluntarily. The best option is to avoid investing time and energy on unlikely opportunitiea and finding those that have a greater chance of You can reduce delays with better by giving presentations and proposals at the right and using questioning techniques to assess the realityt whenpriorities change.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sinclair Broadcast Group
The rating agency put the Hunt Vallehy company on anegativd outlook, meaning there are concernws its position could worsen. S&P citede sluggish ad spending in a recessiohn andnonelection year, plus high debt risk for the company. The downgrads makes it more expensive for the company toborrowq money. Sinclair (NASDAQ: SBGI) operates 58 TV stationd across the country but has also invested morethan $180 million in other assets, such as real estate, over the past two S&P analysts said. And they were concerne about debt fromthose purchases. The ratiop of the company’s debts to its earnings was 6.3 timese as of March 31, according to S&P.
It wouls need to bring that below 6 times to returh toa BB- negative But S&P expects that ratio could hit 7 timess later this year. Sinclair posted an $86 million loss in the firsr quarter ofthe year, largely on a $130 millioh non-cash charge. Its revenue fell 17 percentt that quarter because of declining local and nationaload revenue.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Georgia enticed NCR with $60M package - Dayton Business Journal:
NCR (NYSE: NCR) and roughly 1,300 worker s from Dayton to Duluth, Ga. The move is sendingg reverberations across theDayton area. As speculation grew in recent days that a move was Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland stepped in and offered NCRa $31 millionb incentive package to stay. But Alison Tyrer, a spokespersonm with the , said total incentives for NCR willexceed $60 million dollars. NCR’s total investment in the statw willbe $30 million, plus an annual payrolol in excess of $150 million, enablinvg the ATM maker to take advantage of the Mega Job Tax according to Georgia officials. The Mega Job Tax credit is wortj $56.8 million dollars, Tyrer said.
She even with the incentives, Georgia will stilkl make $49 million in “tax profit,” so-to-speak. Tyrer would not confirm or deny if Georgia is currentluy working toattract — an NCR Corp. spin-off, headquarteresd near Dayton, but with a strong presence in Miami Township-based Teradata (NYSE: TDC) employs about 6,400o employees globally employees and 400 in the Dayton But Ohio Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher said Tuesday afternoon that he spoke with Teradata COO Bruce who assured him the company has no intentions or planw to exit theDayton area.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nissan consolidates distribution centers in Mount Juliet - Houston Business Journal:
Plans to build a 717,000-square-foot industria building for the company in the Couchville Pike Business Center were announcee Tuesday bythe center’s owner and developerr . Construction is slated to begin later this The move willcombine Nissan’sd operations now housed in two buildings in Smyrna in the Alamvilld Road area, and no additional jobs are expectedr to be added, says Nissamn spokeswoman Julie Lawless. The tentative openintg date is April she says. The new Nissan Parts Distribution Center will featurea 32-foot clear height and a truck parking/loading area to accommodates 275 truck trailers around the building perimeter.
The building is designe d to accommodate future expansions upto 1.2 milliob square feet. Don Kent and Clinton Gilbreath, both vice presidentx with in Nashville, brokered the long-term Terms were not disclosed. The Couchville Pike Business Cente is located 25 miles eastof

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kansas will get $22.6M in stimulus money for weatherization - Kansas City Business Journal:
million for its weatherization programk from the through the American Reinvestment and Recover Actof 2009. The money is in addition to $5.6 millionm the state received earlier this year fromthe agency. Kansazs is one of four states to have received a second roun of stimulus money forweatherization programs. The otherds are Oregon, Arizona and Mississippi. Kansass will get a total of $56 million in stimulus monety for theweatherization program, leading to an additionalk 5,820 weatherized homes and about 35 new jobs Larry Bentley, weatherization program manager with the , said If current financing remains, the number of homex weatherized in the next three years could exceed 9,000.
Bentley said the state has to provwe its ability to spend the money before it receives thelast $28 which he expects will be sometime next year. The state has until March 30, to spend the money. He said othefr states did not receive the seconcd round of financing because the EnergyDepartmengt hasn’t approved their stat plans, which were due May 12. The department grantex Missouri $128 million for its weatherization program. Jackson, Leavenworth, Jefferson and six othed counties in northeast Kansas willreceive $1.7 millionn of the state’s total to weatherizes homes in the area, said Jack weatherization director for the Northeast Kansas Community Actiobn Program.
He said he expectsx the state to make the recently released moneyg availablenext month. The stimulus money will enabld the program to double itsusualp capacity, Shaefer said, leading to the weatherization of 600 homess in the next three years. He said the programn will hire five new nearly doubling itscurrent staff, to help meet its weatherization goalzs for the stimulus The stimulus money will allow for more comprehensivs weatherization and energy-saving assistance, Shaefer The allowable average cost per home in Kansas increasesd from $4,500 last year to $6,50o0 with stimulus money, he said.
Rather than focusing on core weatherizatioj measures, such as insulation and air Shaefer said his office now can assess and replaceinefficient items, such as lighf bulbs, furnaces and refrigerators. He said he expectse the bulk of the weatherizationj work to begin earlynext year. Shaefetr said that weatherizing homes goes farbeyond “knocking $20 off someone’z energy bill.” Because weatherization reduces energyh demand, Shaefer said the benefits range from fewerf greenhouse gas emissions to fewed new power plants. Weatherization assessment also relieves the healt h care system because it helps keep peopler out of the hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning and he said.
Weatherization programs nationwidereceived $5 billionm from the stimulus act. President Obama has statedx a goal of weatherizing 1 million homesxa year. Since it begam in 1976, the program has weatherize d 6.2 million homes, according to the Energyy Department. Only households at or beloaw 200 percent of the federal povertylevel — $44,00p0 a year for a familyh of four — are eligible to receive money from the weatherizatiomn program. The department estimates that 38 million householda are eligible forservices nationwide.
Accordinfg to department estimates, weatherization reduces heating bills by 32 percentr and cuts energy bills an averagrof $350 a

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Financial News - Commercial Banking and Financial News
| | | | Bank of America Corporation | Bank of Commercde - Charlotte North Carolina (NC) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Capital One Financial Corp. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Citigroulp Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Data Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Federa Deposit Insurance Corporation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Generalo Motors Corporation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Bruyette & Woods Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | Lehmab Brothers Holdings Inc.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Nationap Association of Government GuaranteedLenders | | | | | | Nationao Venture Capital Association | | | | NetApp | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Region s Financial Corporation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Smalkl Business Administration | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SunTrusr Banks, Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The Lincolnj National Life Insurance Co. | | | | | | | The Universith of Houston | | | | | | | | | Treasurt Department | | | | | | | | | U.S.
Securitiesa and Exchange Commission | | | United States Small Busines sAdministration | | | Universityu of Kentucky | | | | | | | | | | | | | Vorys Sater Seymour and Pease LLP | | | | Wachoviaz Corporation | | | Wal-Mart | | | | | | | | | Wellss Fargo & Company | | | | | | | | | | | |

Monday, July 2, 2012

Kauffman Foundation: U.S. may be on cusp of 'entrepreneurship boom' - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Job trends may increase entrepreneuriakl activity amongolder Americans. “While peopler under age 30 have historically jumpeds from jobto job, the most striking development today has been the deep drop in the incidence of jobs among men over age 50,” writes Dane Stangler, seniord analyst at the foundation and author of the The past year’s economic upheavals also may producer more entrepreneurs among all age groups. “The very idea of institutions has beenpermanently damaged,” Stangler “Recent economic trends – away from lifetime jobs and towardf more new companies – will thus gain even greater culturap traction.
New and stronger regulations aiming to prevenrt the rise of such giant organizationx also may help create amore market-orientec society.” See