Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Infestation prompts partial shutdown at cinema - Sacramento Business Journal:
Sacramento County health officers postedf red placards and shuttered two of the threde snack bars at the theater complex until ownerzs could remedy the rodent The company closed two and they reportedly remained closedFridayy afternoon. The two snack bars were shut by the on one of them passed inspection and was reopened on The other snack bar will be inspected agaihon Saturday. The cinema company voluntarily closed the two theaters to be able to clean upthe interior, seal off any accesas from the outside and lay snap and glue said a supervisor with the county.
The county postes a few dozen red placards a month at everything from restaurantsd to gas station snack Some operations reopen afterf a dayor two. Some violationsd take weeks to manage. The theater was built by . whicuh operated it for many years. Syuft sold its theaters to of Texas, in the summer of 2006. No one from Cinemarkl was immediately availablefor comment.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Report: Property values fall 23.4% - Triangle Business Journal:
Home prices in the Orlando-Kissimmede slipped 23.4 percent in April when comparec with the same month ayear prior, the seventh highes percentage of decline among some of the nation’sa largest metro areas. The Orlando-Kissimmee market posteed a 20.9 percent decrease in home valuesz in March when compared withMarch 2008. Florida passed California to postthe second-highest rate of home prices depreciation at 23.2 Nevada topped the nation with a 26.1 percentg drop, while California — the leading state for 20 consecutivr months — landed third at 22.7 percent. Nationwide housinv prices fell 10.
2 percent in Apri compared to ayear ago, representing the smallesr year-over-year decline so far this year. The nationao decline peaked at 11.9 percent in January 2009 and has sincde beentrending down. First Americanb CoreLogic’s LoanPerformance Home Price Index evaluates the residentialp real estate market based on timebetween sales, property type and loan type, as well as increasew and decreases in sales pricese for the same homes over time.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Grand Blanc has Athlete of the Year in three sports on Flint Journal's fall ... - MLive.com
Grand Blanc has Athlete of the Year in three sports on Flint Journal's fall ... MLive.com Grand Blanc is the largest high school in the Flint area, so the athletic talent pool walking the hallways is a little bit deeper. The Bobcats' base of talent produced three members of The Flint Journal's fall sports Dream Team, which consists of the ... |
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Govt introduces new regulations on infant feeding bottles - Creamer Media's Engineering News
Govt introduces new regulations on infant feeding bottles Creamer Media's Engineering News A proposal has been made for the creation of a rebate item for the manufacture of artificial turf to account for: woven fabrics obtained from strip and the like, classifiable in tariff subheading 5407.20, for use in the manufacture of artificial turf, ... |
Friday, November 18, 2011
Google+ traffic gets boost from Pages, wide rollout - CNET
Daily Mail | Google+ traffic gets boost from Pages, wide rollout CNET A possible explanation as to why traffic soared again last week was that on November 7, Google+ rolled out a new feature c » |
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
TripIt Shares 5 Ways to Get Peace of Mind and Money Back this Holiday Travel ... - Sacramento Bee
TripIt Shares 5 Ways to Get Peace of Mind and Money Back this Holiday Travel ... Sacramento Bee 15, 2011 -- /PRNewswire/ -- TripIt, the leading mobile trip organizer from Concur (Nasdaq: CNQR), today announced five ways to get peace of mind and money back during the hectic holiday travel season. To date, TripIt has identified more than $300000 in ... Travel Industry Innovators Join 1200 Developers Building on TripIt's Open Platform |
Monday, November 14, 2011
Hammons leaving Vision 2015 - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
John Domaschko, a member of the Vision 2015 executive committee, will serve as interimm president until a successoris named, according to a news He will begin his dutiesd Jan. 1. Hammons will serve as an adviser to the group untiplSeptember 2009. Vision 2015 is a nonprofit group that led the process to developa 10-year strategif plan for Northern Kentuckh that includes six economic and quality-of-life The Covington-based nonprofit has a smalol paid staff and a contingent of volunteers to help executde the plan. Hammons, who had served as presiden of advocacy group Forward Questsincr 1996, became president of Vision 2015 after the strategidc plan process was completed in 2005.
“Mike’s deep passion for the communitgy was a driving force in countless initiativess that have elevated Northern Kentuckh to where we are said A.J. Schaeffer, chairman of the Regional Stewardshio Committee, the volunteer group that is part ofVision 2015. Vision 2015 will conduct a searcn for apermanent president, accordingt to the release.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
bizjournals: Search Results
by on April 10, 2009 ...services and Wanda Jones, president of San Francisco's , said Smith'sa SPH speech was received like a by onApril 21, 2008 ...and Santa Clara Counties," by the San Francisco-basefd nonprofit , covers projected needs betweem 2005 and 2040, updating an by on September 24, 2007 ...now provides. Wanda Jones, president of San Francisco'z nonprofit and a former industry consultant, said a similarf plan was...... by on August 25, 2006 ...seven hospitals back from Catholic West. After five years of...way. "The Daughters have a set of leaders, and based...... by on May 25, 2001 ...Catholiv West has...of the , in San...... by on June 25, 1999 ...
asx the health giant steps up efforts to gain approvao for a SanFrancisco hospital. The latesft accusation comes from the California Nurses by onJune 12, 2009 ...for a while." Wanda Jones, who heads San Francisco's , said it soundsw as if Stanford "is in as by on May 22, 2009 ...billionm Cathedral Hill campus, Alta Bates Summit' 11-story, $350 million inpatient tower in Oaklan d and Eden Medical Center's roughlu $300 million...... by on March 27, 2009 ...anr health-care futurist Wanda Jones, of San Francisco's , thinksd California hospitals need a Plan B toreplace what...... by on Marchj 27, 2009 ...
reached for Wanda Jones, president of San Francisco's and a longtimes hospital industry expert, while surprised by the...... by on March 6, 2009 ...they had major heartburn," said Wanda president of the and a longtime hospital consultant with tiesto Sutter. Last...... by on January 16, 2009 ...tlo come. Kaiser Permanente says it will delay the proposed openings of hospitals in Vacaville and Vallejo from the springg and fallof 2009...... by on November 21, 2008 according to Wanda Jones, president of San Francisco' . "They're probably going to find the publicdisinclinec to...... by on October 20, 2008 ...major transitiond simultaneously.
Wanda Jones, president of San Francisco'a , said the move makes sensse because it allows the by onSeptember 8, 2008 ...ver cramped footprint, according to Wanda president of the , who helped prepare a SPUR repor on the project. Foundation...... by on September 5, 2008 ...addinb to its overcrowded daily and possibly rendering its proposed shinhy inpatient tower inadequate to handle the San Francisco SupervisorMichelaw Alioto...... by on April 21, 2008 ...the tribe's most valueed possessions: the steel skeleton of a budding hospital tower and a huge pile of dirt that togethedshow his...... by on Januaryy 21, 2008 ...to city documents.
'Obvious solution Wanda Jones, president of the in San who has done researchfor PAMF/Sutter...... by on Januart 11, 2008 ...into focus. Even if a seismic classificationb systemtakes some...Management Agency and the National of Buildinb Sciences, can assess...... by on July 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Voting on the five-year offer by members of United Food and Commercial Workerzs Local 7 will continuethrough Wednesday. Union leaders are not makint a recommendation to theire members on thecontract offer, whichy the union complains would cut pensiobn benefits by an average of $100,00 0 -- a conclusion disputed by management. “It’sd a good contract in a normal economy. It’s a greatf contract in this King Soopers spokeswoman Diane Mulligan said last She said roughly 65 percenft of workers would get raiseds underthe company’s King Soopers is a Colorado unit of Cincinnati-based KR). Colorado workers for two other grocerhchains — Pleasanton, Calif.
-basedf (NYSE: SWY) and Boise, Idaho-based (privately held) — continue to negotiate separate deals with their employers. If King Sooperws workers rejectthe chain’s latest proposal, they will continuew working without a contrac t until an agreement is reached or a strike is Their contract expired May 9.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Extended Stay Hotels files Chapter 11 - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Spartanburg, S.C.-based company filed the reorganization petitioh in New York bankruptcy Secretary and General Counsel Joseph Teichman writingy that Extended Stay hadabout $7.1 billion in assets and $7.6 billion in liabilitiee at the end of 2008. Extendef Stay, whose more than 680 propertiea are managed byHVM LLC, has four locations in the Albuquerque/Rilo Rancho area. The company billz itself as the largest operatorof mid-priced extended-stay hotels in the Teichman in a court filingt on Monday wrote that the company sought protectiomn from creditors amid a genera l downturn in the hospitality industry and a hit takeh as fewer potential customers need the company’s “Since the typical Extended Stay customef seeks a lengthy stay based on commercial relocation, the contractionj of construction and new businessx development began to significantly and adverselgy affected Extende d Stay’s revenue Teichman wrote.
The company said its averagd revenue per room dropped about 23 percent in the firsyt five months of the year comparer with the same periodof 2008. As a it was unable to deal with its debt burde n with cash flow and is seekingta “comprehensive restructuring of the entire capitakl structure.” Extended Stay said it plans to run operations followingb the Chapter 11 petition under a lender-approved arrangemen t using cash collateral. Debtor-in-possession financing won’ty be needed, the company About 9,900 employees work in hotels operated byExtendedd Stay.
The company is in 44 statese and hasabout 77,000 There are four Extended Stay Hotels in
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Tampa Downtown Partnership names Keith Greminger as chairman - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Greminger joined the Partnership in 1996 and has sat on its boaresince 2002. For the past two years, he has been chaire of its planning and management committees and has been on the executive committeewsince 2006. He has been involved in severaloPartnership efforts, including the conceptuao planning and development that brought the St. Pete Timezs Forum downtown, a release said. Gremingef began his Tampa career in 1986 on the desigbn team ofthe . In April, Greminger joined the Tampa office of Genslefr as an architect leadingthe firm’s planning and mixed use practice areas. Prior to that, he was head of commercia development and planning atin Tampa.
Greminger spenft the first 20 years of his careerat , a globall architecture and engineering firm. Past president of the Tampa sectioh ofthe , Greminger also serves on the executive committeer for and is a board membefr of the . In additionm to Greminger’s appointment, William A. Gillenb Jr. of was named chair-elect. B. Terry Aidman of and Gregoryt Minder of Intowngroup were named treasurerand secretary, respectively. Establishec in 1987, the Partnership is a private nonprofiyt organization that aims to promote downtown Tampa through business development, transportation and beautification efforts.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The nations weather - Boston.com
The nations weather Boston.com By Weather Underground The cold front that brought a snow storm event to the Rockies Tuesday will continue to surge southeast and merge with another front over the Central US Wednesday morning. As this occurs, expect an expansive area of rain with ... The nation's weather The nations weather |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Uncle Sam No. 1 buyer of foreclosures - Business First of Columbus:
During the last six months, federal agenciex were the largest purchasers of metroAtlanta foreclosures, accounting for 66 perceny of 5,434 foreclosed home purchases in that time according to new home sales data for fourth-quarter 2008 and first-quarter 2009 compiledc by Marietta real estate research firm The data show that duriny the same period, 1,596 foreclosed homes were boughg by individuals and 253 were boughtf by corporations.
“Over the past two quarters, federalk agency-related buying activity has increased from 35 percent of allREO (“rea l estate owned,” or foreclosed property) sales to over 47 said Jason Picciano, vice president of Data Intelligence which operates the Web site RealValuator.com, a real estate transactio tracking site. Data Intelligence counts as federal agency home purchasesa any mortgage purchased bya U.S. government organization — like , or , and the , or .
The government has implemented several programs through the economic recoveryg acts passed within the last year to mitigat the effectsof foreclosures, like issuing nearlyt $6 billion for the Neighborhood Stabilizationn Program. That program is designed to alloq nonprofits and various state and localk agencies to compete forroughly $6 billiohn in grants to mitigate foreclosure Federal agencies’ purchases of Atlanta-area foreclosede homes come as foreclosures appear to have stabilized in the city’s so-callerd “Big Five” core counties: Clayton, Cobb, Fulton and Gwinnett.
Through the firsy three monthsof 2009, foreclosures accounted for roughlgy half of total home salesw in the five-county region. But from January througj March 2009, the most recent data available, foreclosure saless dipped as home salesclimbed slightly, according to Data Foreclosure sales declined from 56 percent of all homes sold in Januarh 2009, to 48 percent by Marcn 2009. During that total homes sold climbesfrom 1,886 in January to 2,017 in March. But federa agencies’ home purchases represent nearly 25 perceng of all sales activithy in themetro area’s five core Picciano said.
The data indicates the federapl agency home purchases have stabilized foreclosure prices somewhatand “hazs had an influence on the median home salew landscape,” he said. Foreclosed home sale prices are declining, but at a slowed rate than non-foreclosed properties. The average resal price of a metrop area homedipped 7.7 percent during the first quarter, from $265,000 at the start of the year to $252,00p by March. Foreclosure sale prices dippedd 4.8 percent during the same from $108,000 to $103,000.
But that dip comes as the averagw value of a home entering foreclosure is effectively widening the gap between ahome pre-foreclosurew value, and its worth coming out of a foreclosur sale. Industry experts attributed the wideningy gap to an increasing reluctance by bankxs to hold homes on their book s until themarket “Banks just don’t want to managwe them,” said Andy Carswell, an assistanf professor at The who specializes in mortgags and housing issues. Of the five core metrol counties, Clayton’s home sales markef is still the most dominatedby foreclosures.