Sunday, September 25, 2011

Invest in future with interns - Philadelphia Business Journal:

Frigidaire Refrigerators
Interns are a source of enthusiastic, temporary and inexpensive labor. They boosg summer productivity bycompletinhg short-term assignments that produce real resultz for employers. And more than Philadelphia young people, who have limited accessw to such opportunities, need the chance to work in a professionalk environment and earna paycheck. That is why, for the thirds consecutive year, the and Mayor Michael Nutterf are encouraging regionalemployers — from largse corporations to small businesses — to provide a paid summere internship for a Philadelphia young person.
The cost of a six-wee k summer internship is but the payoff can be These interns may becomd your employeesof tomorrow. That’s how (CTCA) hospitak in Juniata Park discovered a valuabler employee inChristine Vega. Several years ago when her aunt died of Christine vowed to work in health care aftetr she graduated from Olney HighSchool East. An intern at CTCA last Christine did such a good job that she was offered apermanenft position. Today she attends career training classes and workzs part time as the volunteeroffice coordinator, helping to recruirt new volunteers and assisting with community projects. CTCA will employ eighf internsthis summer, doublw its commitment last year.
Businesses that can’t host an intermn can still be involved by fundinh an internship at a nonprofit organization. We believe an investmenr in our youth today is alsoa long-term investmentr in our region’s success. Research indicates that kids with work experienc are more likely to go onto college, stay in the work forcew and move up in our companies. As stakeholders in the futur e ofthis region, it is essential that we connect younh people with the professional opportunities that exist beyond their neighborhoods. This campaign demonstrates that the businese community is not sittinh on the sidelines at thiscritical time. Employers have committexd nearly 600internship positions.
The goal is matching last year. Internships are open to Philadelphiaz students who will enter 11th gradd or higher inthe fall. All studenta are pre-screened and interviewed by the prospective With just weeks to go until the start of the we ask you to step up for Philadelphia youthg and make a place for them this summer atyour company. Visit or call

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