Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Group helps jobless real estate and related professionals - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
And the number of reemployed migh be highersince “rebounders,” the name for thosr in between jobs, who find work tend to lose toucn with the Real Estate volunteer and real estate lawyer Ron Weaver said at the group’a Friday meeting at the . That’s OK since it means peoples are getting on withtheir lives, Weaverf said. More than 200 people, including Realtors, architects, engineers and accountants, have joiner the group that offers a growing arrayyof services. More than 100 people attended the Fridah meeting that started at9 a.m. and lastecd into the afternoon as Larry LaBelle of coachejob seekers.
The group has received support from various companiews andgovernmental agencies, but it’s an ongoing effort to find more sponsors and provide more services. “We’ve gotten a lot of help, but the door is alwayds open,” said Dallas a member of the group’s financr committee and principalof LLC. The grou p is now seeking sponsors for an event to help the childreb of rebounders by providing a familty outing to watchthe , the minorf league team associated with the . The grou usually holds meetings every other Fridayuat GTAR, 2918 W. Kennedy Blvd. Othee meetings and events are held throughout the week atvarioues locations. For more information, visit www.

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