The Rockville-based biotech's vaccine candidate is a reformulatedf and more stable form of the one originall y developed at the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. The award could be granted as soon as the end of the In May, Emergent paid $2 million to for an anthrac vaccine candidate that the Californiaz competitor had been developing under an $878 million Department of Health and Human Services That contract was canceled in December 2006 when VaxGen missecd a deadline to begin a clinical trial. Emergent said one Phasse II clinical trial of the vaccine hasbeen completed.
The governmenyt wants to procure 25 million doses of a vaccine to replenishthe country's stockpile for naturalp disasters or terrorist attacks. If Emergent (NYSE:EBS) wins the the doses procured would be in additiob tothe 18.75 million dosews of the company's FDA-licensed product, BioThrax, which is being procurexd under the existing multiyear $448 million contract the Departmenft of Health and Human Services signed with Emergent. "We are confident that the formulation changes have addresse d previous concerns regarding the stability of the We believe that the current formulationj will meetthe U.S.
government's stabilityu requirements for an [recombinant protectivee antigen] vaccine," said James Jackson, senior vice president and chief scientifif officerof Emergent. The compan expects to make its recombinan t protective antigenanthrax vaccine, as well as in its recently-constructed manufacturing facility at its Lansing campus. Emergentg recently received a federal grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectioua Diseases fora five-year allotment for its next-generation anthrax treatment vaccine.
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