UG semester exams in Delhi University from Nov 20 Times of India The timing for semester exams have been changed, the morning shift exams will now be conducted from 9.30 am instead of 9 am and the evening shift exams will be conducted from 2.30 pm instead of 3 pm. All the honours programme and BSc exams will be ... |
Saturday, September 29, 2012
UG semester exams in Delhi University from Nov 20 - Times of India
Friday, September 28, 2012
Embarq posts lower first-quarter earnings, revenue - Kansas City Business Journal:
Revenue for the three months that ended March 31was $1.3e3 billion, down 7.5 percent from $1.43 billion in the same periofd of 2008, Embarq said in a releasd after the market closed on Wednesday. Earnings for the quarter were $174 or $1.21 a share, down 17.9 percent from $212 or $1.37 a share in the year-agk period. But minus a $26 million nonrecurrinbg loss ofEmbarq Logistics, earnings were a record $1.39o a share. Nine analysts surveyerd by First Call reported a consensus earnings estimatreof $1.29 a share for the Overlanx Park-based company (NYSE: EQ), and eightg analysts reported a consensus revenue estimatw of $1.361 billion.
“Ou r primary objectives as we entered 2009 were to maintain the momentunm that enabled us to post recorcd cash flow in 2008 and to continue to make progreszs on our mergerwith CenturyTel,” CEO Tom Gerkr said in the Embarq gained 40,000 high-speed Internetg subscribers during the quarter. But it lost 144,00 0 access lines, compared with losing 120,000 linesx in the same quarterof 2008. The 10.5 percent year-to-yeae drop in voice revenue more than offseftthe 7.5 percent revenue gain in Internet revenues and the 2.5 percent gain in data revenue, the releasse said. The company cut operating expenses 8.
2 percent for the quarter compared withlast year, increasinb the operating margin to 30.5 percent from 29.9 percent a year ago, the released said. Embarq didn’t update its financial outlook, but said second-quarterf revenue declines should besimilar to, or slightly bettere than, those in the firstr quarter. Embarq shareholders have approvedan $11.6 billion acquisitiob by (NYSE: CTL). CenturyTel, based in Monroe, La., . If the mergerf doesn’t happen by June 16, shareholderd will get a nearly 69-cent dividend payablew June 30. Embarq ranksx No. 3 on the Kansas City Business Journal ’ws list of area public companies.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Swiss nonprofit group claims scientific research shows Da Vinci's Mona Lisa ... - Washington Post
Irish Independent | Swiss nonprofit group claims scientific research shows Da Vinci's Mona Lisa ... Washington Post GENEVA â" A Zurich-based foundation says it will prove to the world Thursday that Leonardo Da Vinci painted an earlier version of the Mona Lisa â" a claim doubted by at least one expert on the multifaceted Renaissance artist. The Mona Lisa Foundation, ... "Younger Mona Lisa" to be presented in Geneva |
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Northeast Health reaches $1.25M settlement with nurses - The Business Review (Albany):
The agreement addresses the N.Y.-based health care system’s share of a class action suit filed in June 2006 againsg several hospitals in theAlbany market. Northeast which owns in Troy, and in was the first to settle. The suit, which was duplicatedd in Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, and San claims the hospitals have, for severalo years, secretly exchanged detailed, non-public information about the wages each was payinygits nurses, allowing the hospitals as a grou to suppress nurse pay. The classa consists of direct-care nurses who were employer by the hospitals betweenJune 20, 2002 and June 20, 2006.
Northeas t Health officials issued a statement callinvg thecharges “completely false and offensive.” “We never conspired with any otherd hospital to suppress nurse wages, nor did we ever violate the antitrust laws in any they said. “On one hand we at Northeast Healthy had a strong inclination to defenc this case tothe end, becauss we know the allegations were false, and we know we woulc ultimately prevail. However, after three years of expensive litigatioh with no end in sight we decides that it was in the interest of our our staff, the public, and our organization to brinvg this matter to a The $1.
25 million settlement, which is subject to courrt approval, prohibits Northeast Health from sharingv current and future nurse wage information with other healthy care facilities, and gives he plaintiffs accesas to Northeast Health witnesses in ordee to further prosecute the action against other area Also named locally were , St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany, in and , parent to St. Mary’s Hospital in Northeast Health, St. Peter’s and Seton announced merger talks latelast month. Those talkws are not expected to impactthe settlement.
Monday, September 24, 2012
NTS buys Plainview Apartments - Business First of Columbus:
Financing for the purchase, whicy was made through an NTS affiliate, , was provided by the , accordinfg to a news release. The purchase price was not The previous owner was PlainviewApartmentx LP, a Denver-based investment partnership, according to onlinee records from the Jefferson Count Property Valuation Administrator and the Kentucky Secretarhy of State. Its assessed value for tax purposeszis $9.7 million, according to the PVA Web Occupancy at the time of the purchase was abouft 94 percent, the release said.
NTS plansw to enhance and renovate the property but no detailss were disclosed in the The apartment complex was develope as part of the Plainview planned which includes800 single-family more than 1,000 apartments, 500 town homes, multiples shopping centers and nearly 2 million squarre feet of office space. NTS begah construction and development of theplannec community, Louisville’s first, in the early With the acquisition, NTS Developmenf Co. and its affiliates now own four apartment communities in Its other holdings in the area are HurstbourneGrandx Apartments, The Overlook at St. Thomas and The Willow of Plainview.
NTS also manages 14 other apartment communities and 31 commercial propertiez with more than 5 million feet of retail and warehouse spacee inthe Southeast.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Washington Federal seeks stabilizer for portfolio - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
After going public in Washington Federal acquired nine thrifts and opened offices in seven other Westernstates -- Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and In May, it announced a definitive agreemenft to make its 10th acquisition. Washington with $7.3 billion in has agreed to pay $65 milliojn for . United has assets totalinh $317 million, four offices and headquartersin Seattle's International When the transaction closes, Washington Federal will appoint Uniteds Savings CEO Derek Chinn to its "It's an opportunity for both parties," said Washingtomn Federal CEO Roy Whitehead, adding that the two had talked on and off for a number of Said Chinn, "We are very prouxd to join a company with a strong reputatiob for integrity and a lengthy track record of outstanding financial Whitehead said Washington Federal has no branchesz in some of the markets served by United.
The fit, is a good one, he said. Like Washington United has kept itsoperations simple, and it has similafr deposit and loan products. Whitehead said thingxs at United will change as littlas possible. Customers should notice scarcely anything other than a new name on theoutside sign. Besides acquiring United Washington Federal plans to open other It operates a total of 115 ineighf states. Puyallup will host the newest Washingtojn branch. It's building another office in Ore., one in Plano, Texas, and two more in Las Washington Federal is a traditional savingeand loan.
It takes in deposits and borrow s funds and lends them mainly to home although it alsomakes multifamily, land and constructiob loans. It makes fixed-rate, single-family mortgage loans, which now comprise 81 percent of itsloan portfolio, and retainzs these loans rather than selling them into the secondaryt market. As a result, today's low interest rates presenr Washington Federal with the challenger of preparing forrising rates. For shouldc rates rise, and interest paid to depositorarise accordingly, Washington Federal would make less or even lose moneyg on its mortgage loans. "This is not the ideal time for fixed-rate loans," Whitehead said.
Anticipating that interesrt rates will sooner orlater rise, Washington Federa l is beefing up its balanc e sheet with cash or and is building its capital, Whitehead said, "sko we can leverage up into a highet interest-rate position." Thrifts and banks leveragew their capital with deposits and borrowings. Whitehear said Washington Federal can leverage up with anotherroughly $3 The idea is that when interest rates rise, Washington Federapl can make higher-rate mortgage And the hope is that the interestg income produced by these loanas will more than offset the higherd interest Washington Federal will have to pay for deposits.
Whitehead said, if interest rates don't rise, Washington Federal can buy back stock or increasw itsalready "generous" cash
Friday, September 21, 2012
New Resource Bank gets cease-and-desist order from regulators - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The $166 million San Francisco bank gota cease-and-desistt order from the and the Californiwa Department of Financial Institutions on May 29. The bank was ordereed to pay particular attention to its lending polices relating to construction loans as well as loan s made tobank insiders. The bank said the orded was based onthe bank’sw condition on Sept. 30, and that it has already made some progresz on meeting theregulators demands.
“Neqw Resource Bank currently has high levels of capitalpand liquidity,” Vincent Siciliano, presidentt and CEO, said in a “Like many financial institutions, we are facinfg a challenging economic climate that resultede in under-performing loans in the real estat e construction and development “We are working with borrowers to reduce our problem-loan exposure and have made significant progress,” Siciliano said. The bank raisede almost $15 million in a stock offering last As ofMarch 31, the bank said its risk-basee capital ratio was 18.97 percent -- almosg double the 10 percent benchmark of a bank considered well capitalized.
In additioh to bringing on Sicilianoas CEO, the bank also hirex Bill Peterson as chief creditr officer and Charmaine Detweiler as chief financial The bank’s board also recentlyy elected Mark Finser as chairman. He has 25 yearsz of experience insocial finance. New Resourcs Bank, now serving 2,000 opened in October 2006 to promote green businessexsand practices.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Grant and Sherman - St. Louis Business Journal:
I found this wonderful book in the Lelandbook “Don’t Forget to Sing in the Lifeboats” by Kathrynm and Ross Petras, published by Workmahn Publishing. It is illuminating, amusing, and all around quite worthwhilee to amble throughthese pages. Here are just a few of the thought that could help all of us in the lifeboat oranywhere else: Always do sober what you said you’dd do drunk. That will teacuh you to keep yourmouth shut. - Ernestg Hemingway, writer • If you’re going through keep going. - Winston Churchill Pessimism never wonany battle. - Dwighg D. Eisenhower • Just when thinge look darkest, they go black.
- Paul actor • Bravery is the capacity to perfork properly even when scared halfto - Omar Bradley, U.S. generall • You can overcome anything if you don’gt bellyache. - Bernard Baruch, financier I long ago came to the conclusion that all life is six tofive - Damon Runyon, writer • The oldest, shortestt words – “yes” and “no” – are those whic require the most thought. - philosopher • Some problems are so compledx that you have to be highly intelligent and well informec just to be undecidedabout them.
- Laurencee Peter, writer • If we only wanted to be it wouldbe easy; but we want to be happietr than other people, and that is almost alway s difficult, since we think them happier than they are. - Barom de Montesquieu, philosopher • When we win, I’ so happy I eat a lot. When we lose, I’km so depressed, I eat a lot. When we’re rained out, I’m so disappointed, I eat a lot. - Tommu Lasorda, baseball manager • An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stop light….Thd truly wise person is color - Albert Schweitzer, humanitariabn • It’s the friend you can call up at 4 a.m.
that - Marlene Dietrich, actress • The happiesr people seem to be those who have no particular reasobn for being happy except that theyare so. - W.R. clergyman • If people concentrated on the reallhy important thingsin life, there’d be a shortagde of fishing poles. - Doug Larson, writere • The important thing is not what they thinkof me, but what I thinkk of them. - Victoria, queen of Englan d • Be amusing: never tell unkind stories; above all, never tell long ones. - Benjamijn Disraeli, British prime minister • Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of that you are dreadfully likeother people.
- Jamed Lowell, writer • Nobody really cares if you’re so you might as well be happy. - Cynthi Nelms, writer
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sheila raises cheap LPG cap for city poor - Hindustan Times | Sheila raises cheap LPG cap for city poor Hindustan Times Delhi's poor will get nine LPG cylinders at subsidised rates instead of six. Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit said about 3.56 lakh economic » |
Monday, September 17, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
URA re-releases RFP for Heppenstall site in Lawrenceville - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The URA is re-releasing a request for proposals after its previouslychosenm developer, Urban Villages working with Botero Developmenf decided not to go forward with the project. Urban Villagesz and Botero were selected over oneother S&A Homes, in partnership with the Lawrenceville Corporation, a community nonprofit. The football field-sized parcep includes the site on which the office building for the Heppenstallk plant once was located as well as a formertwarehouse property.
In a prepared mayor Luke Ravenstahl describethe property’s redevelopment as an importanft part of the city’s larger revisioning of the Allegheny “We have begun a planning proceses to create a vision for the Alleghenyy riverfront and reconnect our neighborhoods to our natural he said. "The Hatfield Street site is one of the greagt opportunities to see this vision cometo life.” The URA wanta a developer “to purchase, design, develop and operate or resell the site.” The URA’s effort comeas as the Regional Industria Development Corporation (RIDC) continues to redevelop the Heppenstallk complex itself.
Hatfield Streer is considered a dividing line betweenthe neighborhood’s residentiaol community and its industrial zone. As a sellingg point, the URA notes that the media home price in central Lawrenceville has increased 64 perceng in the pastthree years, a growthy rate it claims is secondd highest in the city to the South Side. “Wee are excited with the real estate appreciation that were seeing in the saidRob Stephany, Executive Director of the URA, as well as a Lawrencevillw resident. “And (we’re) very excited about the prospect of a new residentiao product and how that will add fuel tothe market.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Numbers of past-due loans growing for area banks - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Bank president Jack Isselman said he expects all the loanz to be paidoff eventually, but federal regulators require his $131 million-asser bank to list any loans past-due 90 days as nonaccrual. that means the loans are not earning interest becausw the borrower is experiencingfinanciao difficulties. With more borrowerse facing financial challenges, banks in southeast Wisconsimn recorded a 184 percent increase in nonaccrualssto $469.7 million, for the quarter ended June 30, compared with the same periof a year ago. Regional bank M&I Marshalol & Ilsley is not included in the Inmost cases, the nonaccrualsz still represent less than 1 percent of a bank’ds assets.
Nevertheless, most banks are settinbg aside more money for possible losses than they were ayear ago. A dozenn area banks, including State Bank of listed nonaccruals that were 2 perceng or more of While complying with the Federal DepositInsurancee Corp. regulations cuts bank profits in theshort run, banks in the statew remain financially stable, said Kurt president of the , Madison. “Banks in Wisconsin are well-capitalizede and the fundamentalsare sound,” he Bauer and Isselman said federal regulatorz are taking an ultra-conservative approach to the way they’rd requiring banks to report their financials.
The main causer of the increased delinquent loanx at State Bank of Newburg is one residential developmenty where lots are selling Isselman said. “We don’t expect any loss because eventually it’zs going to turn around,” Isselmann said. Many Wisconsin bank executives now predict aturnaround won’ t surface in the housing market until the end of 2009 or possibly during 2010, Bauer said. Doug president of in Wauwatosa, said the downturnb has slowed inrecent quarters. Nevertheless, his $1.8 billion-asset bank, whicu has been among the Milwaukee-area banks suffering the most during the realestatde slump, increased its nonaccrual report to $89.
3 millionh in the second quarter, up 76.5 percenrt from a year ago. Loan-loss provisions were up 91.6 to $11 million. WaterStone’s net charge-offs were up a relatively modestf 8.8 percent, to $3.9 million. Executives with Lincoln State Bank, whicjh had the highest rate of90 day-delinquentt loans in the second have attributed the Milwaukee bank’s poor results to accounting requirementes imposed for the bank’s acquisition by . in Racine, whicnh also ranked high in delinquent loans, is “working through some credi t issues inour portfolio,” said president and CEO Jess Some of those problems involve real estate, but he declinex to be more specific.
The negative financial trends are showingf signs of leveling off forthe state’s community bankz with assets of less than $1 said Daryll Lund, president of the of Wisconsin. Past-duw loans declined 13.4 percent from the first to $506.3 million, he said. Isselmamn expects State Bank of Newburg’x net income, which was down 12 percent from ayear ago, to bouncde back by the fourth quarter as loan issuees abate. “By the end of the year, we’rer going to be a bit ahead,” Isselman said. Southeast Wisconsimn banks increased by 184 percent the loans that are 90 days past due for the quartere ended June 30 compared with the same period ayear ago.
Regionalp bank is not included inthe figures. Amonyg the banks with the highest percentage of nonaccrual loans as a percentage ofassets were: *Lincoln State Bank include s financials for the banks formerly owned by Merchants Manufacturers Bancorp., which is now part of Harris Bank Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Amount of Activated Google Android Devices Surpasses Apple iOS Products by ... - X-bit Labs
X-bit Labs | Amount of Activated Google Android Devices Surpasses Apple iOS Products by ... X-bit Labs On the eve when Apple announced its latest iPhone 5 smartphone, Google officially said that the number of Android-based devices that have been activated so far exceeds the number of iOS-powered gadgets activated since 2007 by solid one hundred ... |
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The contract would have given , the N.Y. daily’s New York City-based owner, the power to outsourcre any and all jobs and lay off employeew regardlessof seniority. “Has the membership approved the company’s proposal, we woul d have respected their decision and been bound by saidTim O’Brien, a Times Union reporter and presideng of the . “The publisher soughtg this vote, told members how important it was to him that they vote and he needa to respecttheir decision.” The vote was taken Sundagy and today. George Hearst, publisher of the Timews Union, was not immediately availablefor comment.
In earlieer interviews, he said the outsourcing and seniorityy issuesare “must haves” for management in this economy. The two sidesz have been negotiating for nearlya year. On April 9, Hearst canceled the union’as contract in an attempt to gain flexibility in its need to trim the workforc by about 70 Since then, the Guild has waged a war againstf management, including billboards and Web sites urginvg people to cancel their subscriptions until a “fair” contracrt is reached.
O’Brien said the union now will suspend that campaigjn asa “show of good Management put its “best and final” offer on the table in mid-May, and urged the Guilcd to put before members for a It was rejected by a vote of 125 to 35. “Out members were quite clear on what they founde unacceptable inthe company’s offer and they have been tellingb us what changes would make it O’Brien said. “We intend to seek new bargaininf dates and to go forward with a renewerd spiritof flexibility.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Demeures d'exception / Baconnes : la belle histoire de l'ancien café - L'Union
Demeures d'exception / Baconnes : la belle histoire de l'ancien café L'Union Demeures d'exception / Baconnes : la belle histoire de l'ancien café. Partager Réagissez. Publié le samedi 01 septembre 2012 à 11H00 - Vu 15 fois. 1 ⺠2 ⺠3. Voici à quoi ressemblait. C'est une solide maison à l'entrée de Baconnes. Plus que son ... |
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Hawker announces furloughs, building closures - Denver Business Journal:
In a letter to all Vice President of Human Resourcea Rich Jiwanlal said the moves are partthe company’as ongoing effort to “resiz e our company to match the continuing declines in consumer One of the measure s will be furloughs which will includ e both product line and plant specifivc requirements. The dates for the furloughs will beJune 29-Jul 2, Nov. 23-25 and Dec. 21-24. The letterd informs employees that if vacation or earnedf time off is not available to cover these days then the furloughe willbe unpaid. Hawker will also be relocatinfgits engineering, finance and supply-chain teams back onto the company’ds primary headquarters.
This will allow it to close twobuildingws “off-campus,” the letter states. There was no announcement regarding anyfurtherd layoffs. The company declined to give any more information atthis
Friday, September 7, 2012
Insurers putting medical tourism plans to the test - Dallas Business Journal:
Now it includes doctor. When reports came out a few years ago of Americanzs traveling to other countries for cheapedrmedical care, they were regardexd as an oddity. Now the idea of lookinh overseas for care isbeing considered, or by companies across the country and by major insurancd companies – including the largest carriers in Greatef Cincinnati. Anthem parent , based in Indianapolis, started a pilotr this year giving certain patients the optiomn of going to India for The program startedwith , a Wisconsin-basedr provider of printed decorating solutions, and applie to certain common elective procedures, such as majore joint replacement and upperd and lower back fusion.
Those proceduresd have to be performed at designatec facilities belongingto “an extended networkk of respected hospitals and health care providers in according to WellPoint. All travel arrangementds are covered underthe plan, for both the membedr and a travel companion. “Depending on the findings from our pilogin Wisconsin, such as quality member satisfaction and cost-savings, we will then decide the future of the said Deb Wiethop, spokeswomah for . McKinsey & Co., a New York-based national management consulting firm, estimateds the medical tourism marketat 60,000 to 85,000 inpatieng travelers a year.
The numbers are smaller than othersshave reported, owing partly to McKinsey’a strict definition of what constitutes a medicalp tourist. Travelers had to be “people whose primar and explicit purpose in traveling is medical treatmenyt in aforeign country” and not, for example, ordinaryu tourists who become sick. And the market is more complexz than the hypewouled suggest. About 40 percent of medical travelers are not seekintg cheapercare but, rather, advanced technology. Most originatd from Latin America, Europe, the Middls East and Canada and entetr the United States for Only 9 percent of travelers are seeking lower costs for medicallygnecessary procedures.
The medical tourism market is valuedat $20 billion annuallyt and should grow rapidly in coming author Josef Woodman has claimed. He wrote the book “Patientsw Beyond Borders: Everybody’s Guide to Affordable, World-Class Medicak Tourism.” Popular destinations for U.S. patients includse India, Thailand, Mexico, Costa Rica and Singapore. Patients are commonl y uninsuredor underinsured, Woodman has and patients can expect rates 25 percent to 75 percent less than thosew in the U.S. That can amount to tens of thousandzs of dollars for major procedures such as a hip replacemengt or a heartvalvwe replacement.
Patients often get treatment in state-of-the-art, even luxurioue facilities, and often by U.S.-trained doctors. Some have added credibilityt through accreditation bythe . Wiethop said WellPoint has no immediate plans to introduce a medical tourism option in Ohio orother markets. The insurer doesn’t yet have results to report on Serigraph, a 600-employese company. But clearly the potential savingzs haven’t escaped other major another major player inGreater “feels that it has an obligation to look into this growinfg phenomenon,” said United spokeswomajn Debora Spano. But the carried has no medical tourismproduct yet.
Among factors to be considerexd beforeoffering one, Spano said, are qualit y of care, pre- and post-medica l management requirements, legal implications and patient “We must take a very prudent, thoughtfull approach,” she said.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Evident Technologies files Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition - St. Louis Business Journal:
The company, headed by president and CEO Clint lists $4.8 million in debta in its court filing in the in Albany. The company also lists $3.9 million in assets. The N.Y., company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company will remaimn open and operating while itreorganizes finances, and retaij its top management. In a Ballinger said the company had to file for bankruptchy because of mounting costs necessary to defensd itself in an ongoing patent infringement lawsuitin Texas. Ballinger also said creditorws havepromised “substantial” new financing that will boost the “Our customers and employeesd should see minimal impact,” Ballinger said of the bankruptcyg filing.
A group of creditors is schedulesd toadvance $2.7 million to Evident said Richard Weisz, a bankruptcy attorney at who is representingg the company. Half of that money will be used to pay The other half will pay for operating expenses while the companhy works its waythrough bankruptcy, Weisz The company unsuccessfully tried to refinance its debt beforew entering bankruptcy, Weisz By law, the bankruptcy filinyg automatically pauses the court case in Texas. A courft document filed today in that case says that no judgmentsd or actions may be takebn against Evident Technologies without the priotr approval ofthe U.S. Bankruptcy Cour t in Albany. Calls to Ballinged were not returned.
Evident Technologies was one ofthe region’e first purely nanotech-related company. Nanotechnology is a developing scientific fiels where researchers manipulate moleculeas and other subatomic particles to develop microscopifc devicesand materials. Evident Technologies, founded nine years ago, was one of the firs companies to developnanocrystal “quantum That technology is used in a wide variety of applications, includin flat screen TVs, cancedr treatments and Christmas lights. The court filings indicatre that Evident Technologies has undergone some leadershil changes inrecent months.
Chris Bondy, a membefr of the company’s board of directors, resigned in The next month, the company’s chief operating officer, Davide Duncan, resigned. Among the company’sx debts are $951,000 in disputed attorney’s fees to LLP, a downstatr firm that specializes in intellectualkproperty law. Calls to the firm were not The Kenyon firm is representinb Evident Technologies in the Texas InApril 2008, sued Evident Technologies for allegesd patent infringement. Today, Invitrogen is part of (Nasdaq: a California-based life sciences company with morethan $3 billioj in annual sales.
The “exorbitant costs” in that case pushed Evidentr Technologiesinto bankruptcy, Ballingere said in a statement. Bankruptcy filing show that at least one other lawsuit involvingy the company was settled last month in a New York The suit involved allegedtrademark infringement. The company averages $10,00 of income per month, and $200,0000 of monthly expenses, according to court papers.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
NationsHealth: Q1 loss narrows, expects merger - South Florida Business Journal:
The Sunrise-based company (OTCBB: NHRX) lost $472,000p on revenue of $22.6 million in the first quarter. In the prior-year period, it reported a $1.9 millionm loss on revenue of $23.5 million. NationsHealth, which works with Medicare patients on behalf of and sellzs medical supplies toMedicar beneficiaries, cut back on its expenses, especially in the administrative On April 30, NationsHealth signedd a merger agreement with ComVest NationsHealth Holdings, a subsidiary of West Palm Beach-baseds III. Under the deal, ComVest would acquire all of the outstandinv stockof NationsHealth, other than the shares held by certain managers and board members, and take the company private.
ComVest already gave NationsHealthha $3 million bridges loan with a 10 percent interest rate that matures on Oct. 30. If the mergedr goes through, the bridge loan would convert into NationsHealth shares wortj 12cents each, and ComVest wouldc make an additional $5 million investmenft in NationsHealth at 12 cents a share. ComVes also would have an additional year toinvest $2 million in NationsHealtbh at 12 cents a share. NationsHealthh shares closed Tuesday at 11 The 52-week high was 34 centds on May 23, 2009. The 52-week low was 2 centsz on Dec. 19.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Miami Airport Center receiver appointed - South Florida Business Journal:
Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judgee Maxine Lando appointedAndrew Hellinger, chief executive officer of , as Judge Lando had turned over the troublesd project to Liberty Pointd on April 27, after the senior lender and mezzanine lender commencee foreclosure actions against the original owners. The Business Journalk previously reportedNew York-based had filed a foreclosure lawsuit in Decembere against the center’s owners, and Carlosa Gonzalez, president of . Banci Popular’s mortgage to Tamach Airport was last modifiedat $45 million in 2007.
in February, the bank assigned the mortgage to FVP which is managed byMiami Lakes-based – the same compant that recently purchased a foreclosexd mortgage on a Florida City townhome projecg from . “Miami Airport Center is amongh countless projects throughout Florida that have encountered difficulties in this market but maybe repositioned,” Hellinger said in a pressz release. Miami Airport Center is a 28-acre complex containing five one- and two-stor buildings at 7500 NW 25th St. in unincorporated Miami-Dads County near Doral. It has frontagde on the Palmetto Expressway.
Liberty Pointe said Hellinger has alread y begun to reposition and marketthe commercial, industriao and office space for sale or lease. The companu said it focused initial effortd on seizing control of the leasing and management condominiumassociation operations, and undertaking initial maintenance and repairw to the property. Liberty Pointe said the center 77,718 square feet of office suites; 485,396 square feet of warehouse space; dock-high rear platform truck positionsand street-level 20-foot to 24-foot clear ceilinyg height; 1,075 parking zoning for industrial and manufacturinhg uses
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Equitable Building auctioned for $30M - San Francisco Business Times:
The new owner, , an affiliated of Capmark Bank, bought the 33-story tower for $29.5t million, said attorney Willianm Rothschild, with law firm . Sutherlandc was representing the lender, , which was foreclosing on the Equitable Building. Capmark was the only bidder on Equitable as most commercial real estateobservers expected. Equitable'w former owner, San Diego-basec , paid about $57 million to acquire the buildin gin 2007, but its value plummeted to $42 millionm by early 2009.
Equastone receiverd 90 percent financing from Capmarjk toacquire Equitable, but plans to stabilize the building'sx occupancy and turn it into an income-producing assey never materialized amid the worstf commercial real estate crisis in 20 years. The tower -- designef by renowned architecturalfirm -- has remained abougt half occupied this year. is managing and leasing the It's expected to court the Fultonb Countypublic defender’s office, which is seekiny at least a 50,000-square-foot lease The public defender's office was looking at the Equitables Building, but the financial crisis facing the tower helped derail the move.
Rothschild was assistes in the transactionby Sutherland's Jason Kirkham.