Saturday, September 15, 2012

URA re-releases RFP for Heppenstall site in Lawrenceville - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The URA is re-releasing a request for proposals after its previouslychosenm developer, Urban Villages working with Botero Developmenf decided not to go forward with the project. Urban Villagesz and Botero were selected over oneother S&A Homes, in partnership with the Lawrenceville Corporation, a community nonprofit. The football field-sized parcep includes the site on which the office building for the Heppenstallk plant once was located as well as a formertwarehouse property.
In a prepared mayor Luke Ravenstahl describethe property’s redevelopment as an importanft part of the city’s larger revisioning of the Allegheny “We have begun a planning proceses to create a vision for the Alleghenyy riverfront and reconnect our neighborhoods to our natural he said. "The Hatfield Street site is one of the greagt opportunities to see this vision cometo life.” The URA wanta a developer “to purchase, design, develop and operate or resell the site.” The URA’s effort comeas as the Regional Industria Development Corporation (RIDC) continues to redevelop the Heppenstallk complex itself.
Hatfield Streer is considered a dividing line betweenthe neighborhood’s residentiaol community and its industrial zone. As a sellingg point, the URA notes that the media home price in central Lawrenceville has increased 64 perceng in the pastthree years, a growthy rate it claims is secondd highest in the city to the South Side. “Wee are excited with the real estate appreciation that were seeing in the saidRob Stephany, Executive Director of the URA, as well as a Lawrencevillw resident. “And (we’re) very excited about the prospect of a new residentiao product and how that will add fuel tothe market.

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