Previously, the museum had no singlse agencyof record, with several Louisvills advertising firms handling the work, said Kristas McHone, public relations and marketing directorr for the museum. “I just decided to consolidate all that with BandyCarroll Hellige,” McHone said. Bandy Carroll Hellige will develop and implement all including branding, marketing, advertising, public relationa and interactive programs for the museum, the release said. The Frazierd museum, 829 W. Main St., was founded in 2004 by OwslegBrown Frazier, the retired vice chairmab of , the Louisville-based spirits and wine company.
The museunm has about 100,000 square feet of antique arms andhistoricapl items, many of which are from Frazier’sd private collection. Bandy Carrollo Hellige was founded in 1989 by partnerwsSusan Bandy, Mark Carroll and Tim Hellige and has a totalo of 44 employees at its headquartera in Louisville, Ky. and an office in according tothe
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