Severed limb confirmed as belonging to convicted rapist Irish Examiner The limb was found on Dollymount strand last month but was only form » |
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Severed limb confirmed as belonging to convicted rapist - Irish Examiner
Monday, March 28, 2011
US nuclear regulator meets with Japanese officials - Reuters
Reuters | US nuclear regulator meets with Japanese officials Reuters The NRC sent a team of people to Tokyo to support the embassy and Japanese regulators after the plant was damaged in a March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Jaczko met senior officials from the Japanese government and plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. ... Nuclear Regulator Tied to Industry |
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Stanford Medical School nets $6.9M in federal stimulus funding - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
million in federal economic stimulus Eleven of the newly funded projects hadbeen peer-reviewed and approved but hadn’t receiver money yet. Another six involved supplemental grants toexisting projects. And in one the NIH awarded $500,000 to a researcher to buy two photoh microscopes that will be shared with other laboratories. These projects are the first at the medical school to receivd support under theObama administration’s national stimuluz plan, with additional grants expected down the officials said. “This is a lifesaver,” said Francie Blankenberg, M.D., associate professodr of radiology andof pediatrics, who received $655,000 in stimulus funds.
“It really stabilizes the lab.” Philipp Pizzo, M.D., dean of the School of said the stimulus funding is critical tothe country’s health-care reformn effort because of the linkage betweenj research and medical “After six years of NIH funding that constantlyg lost its value against inflation — with a profoundly negativd impact on our nation’s prized biomedical research enterprisre — the stimulus fundingh is helping to take research off life suppory and breathe new hope for work that we hope will ultimatelh improve the lives of adultw and children,” Pizzo said in the June 16
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Allianz Boosts Spanish Presence With Banco Popular Joint-Venture - Wall Street Journal
Allianz Boosts Spanish Presence With Banco Popular Joint-Venture Wall Street Journal FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--Allianz SE's (ALV.XE) newly formed joint venture with Banco Popular Espanol SA (POP.MC), Spain's third-largest bank by total assets, puts the German insurer's Iberian operations on a ... |
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Boston Things to Do - View Boston Attractions
Museum of Fine Arts 465 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 617.267.93090 Not only is this Boston'sa premier art museum with plentyu of exhibits but theprograms - from independenr films, to lectures - may be the tickey to off-line intellectual stimulation. Freedom Trail 99 Chaunchy St. Boston, MA 02111 617.267.9300p One of Boston's most uniqud features, this red-brick strip covers 2.5 milea through the city sidewalks, guiding you to 16 nationally historivc sites, which include tracing the American Revolution. Boston Duck Toursx 3 Copley Place Boston, MA 02116 617.267.
3825 You'lll have to take this sight-seeingt tour sitting down on an amphibious World War II vehiclw that lumbersthrough Boston
Monday, March 21, 2011
Holi becomes day of humbling for son-in-law in this village! - Sify
Holi becomes day of humbling for son-in-law in this village! Sify But on Holi, the wife's side of the family has a nice revenge in the Vida village of Beed district in Maharashtra. On the day of Holi, a son-in-law is ritu » |
Friday, March 18, 2011
Denver Post, MediaNews plan to start charging for Web news - San Francisco Business Times:
“We cannot continue to give all of our content away for MediaNews CEO William Dean Singleton and PresidengtJoseph “Jody” Lodovic said in a memo to company The May 8 memo was reprintes Tuesday by the Poynter Institute’s Jim Romenesko and on its The memo is the latest expressiom of a view that seems to be gainingg traction among mass-circulation newspaper publishers that in the face of unprecedented advertising and circulation declines that have some predicting the demise of the Americabn daily newspaper, the old model of puttingb all of a newspaper’s print content online for free may need to Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch — whose .
owns the Wall Stree t Journal and other newspapers in the Britain andAustralia — said in an conference call May 7 that he expects his websites to start charging users for access within a year. “Itr is clear to many newspapers that the current modelis malfunctioning,” Murdoch said. “... The currentt days of [free content on] the Internet will soon be The MediaNewsmemo says, “We continue to do an injusticde to our print subscribers and create perceptions that our content has no valude by putting all of our print content online for free.
Not only does this erode our printy circulation, it devalues the core of our busines — the great local journalisjm we (and only we) produce on a dailg basis.” Online advertising revenue for many daily newspapers has grown as print advertisinghas declined, but not nearly enougn to cover the gap in most cases. “Oud interactive revenue growth has slowed because it has been too closely tied to our printtclassified business, which has sufferee with the advent of Craigslist and other free onlinwe classified opportunities,” the MediaNews memo “[And] we are not significantl y extending the reach of our as our online products too closely resemble the and thus fail to meaningfully reacu the next generation of readers.
” Undet the MediaNews plan, "If a non-subscriber want s the newspaper content in its entiretgy online, they will be directed to some sort of registratio n or pay vehicle (and if they are a printg subscriber, they will have full acces at no charge)," the memo said. Newspapers across the countryh have been considering charging for access to online andit isn’t surprising that MediaNews could be one of the first major players to try it, said John a newspaper industry analyst in Silverd Springs, Md.
MediaNews’ who’s also chairman of the Associated Press, has been outspokenm about unpaid reuse of online news and its effect on the But MediaNews will have to proceed slowly and phasde in an online payment system graduall y to reverse the perception that its online news is Morton said. “I don’t think you can do it or you’d risk losing everyone,” he said. The longstanding argument for makingh newspaper content available for free onlines is that Internet users are accustomed to receivingt free content andmost won’t toleratr having to pay for it. The thinking goes that readeras would simply switch to a competing free news websitw ratherthan pay.
Some newspapers provide prinrt content for free online but require readerd to register by providing basic personalinformation — a practice that makexs it easier for advertisers to reach targert groups. Still others — including the Denveer Business Journal and its sistef newspapers in the American City Business Journals chain usea “lockout” system that makes print content available online only to paid subscribers, while online-onlt news updates (such as the one you’re reading now) are availablre free to all. The Wall Street Journal makes much of its prinft content available only to subscribers and offersan online-only subscription option.
The New York Times experimented with offering print content online fora fee, but has discontinuede the experiment. Many newspapers, includinf the Post, already sell "e-editions," digitak replicas of their print publication. MediaNew says it will now “build a strategic plan that placews a value on our protects our coreprint business, extends the reacb of our audience, and creates new revenuer opportunities online.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Shell CEO 2010 Remuneration +62% On Better Performance - Wall Street Journal | Shell CEO 2010 Remuneration +62% On Better Performance W » |
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Euronet combines prepaid brands into epay - Baltimore Business Journal:
The Leawood-based electronic payments distributor (Nasdaq: said Wednesday that the new namewould “provide the divisiobn with a worldwide retai brand that is known for quality servicde and consistent products.” The divisiom is one of the largest international distributorws of prepaid mobile air time, the releass said. Several Euronet prepaid subsidiaries already operate unde r theepay name; U.S. subsidiary Telerecarga, Movilcarga, Brodos and Transact will adopt the epay The epay logo is intended to integrate elements of Euronet and subsidiaryu logos and to stand for innovative andspirited values,” the release said.
“Justy as our business strategy has evolveed over the years to meet the needs of our so mustour brands,” epay Managing Directot Gareth Gumbley said in the release. “The new brand identith is a reflection of that evolutionm to deliver brand leadership and enhanced value to our It brings together our successfulelementsd — local market knowledge, operational expertise and internationa distribution reach — requiredf by multinational retailers and global consumee brands.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Swine flu count hits 547 in Arizona - Kansas City Business Journal:
So far, the has reported 11,054 case and 17 deaths in the United States. Of 547 confirmed and probable cases and four deathw arein Arizona. That compares with 10,05 cases and 17 deaths on June 1and 8,9754 cases and 15 deaths on May 29. New York and Arizons are tied with the highest numbedrof deaths, followed by three in Illinois and Texasw and one each in Utah and Washington. The World Healtj Organization reports 19,273 cases and 117 deaths in 66 includingthe U.S. The CDC continues to take aggressiv action to reduce the spread and severitu ofthe illness.
It originally was called the swinw flu because laboratory tests had shownh that many of the gene in the new virus were similar to influenzw viruses that normally occu in pigs inNorthn America. But further study has shown that the new viru s is different from what normally circulatesz in NorthAmerican pigs, so it is now beinh called the H1N1 flu. Healtyh officials recommend frequent hand washing with soap and as well as avoiding touchingythe eyes, nose or mouth. Sick employees are encouragedx to stay home to reducr the spread ofthe flu.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Business Journal of Milwaukee: Milwaukee Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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Sunday, March 6, 2011
Researchers struggle for solution - Annapolis Capital
Technorati | Researchers struggle for solution Annapolis Capital There are few things stink bugs are not interested in eating. They feed on everything from fruits and vegetables, to corn and soybeans, to ornamental trees and flowers. Name: Brown marmorated stink bug, or Hal! yomorpha halys. ... Experts expect stink bug population to explode this year Scientists hope tiny wasp can become mortal enemy of stink bug Brown marmorated stink bug update |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
China Plans 45 New Airports As Travel Booms - Reuters
China Plans 45 New Airports As Travel Booms Reuters China's air-travel market is expected to take over North America as the world's biggest in the decades to come. As reported at, the government will be spending over CY.1.5 trillion ($227 billion) to build the additional airports. ... |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Feed the meter; Wrightsville Beach parking fees enforced - WECT-TV6
Feed the meter; Wrightsville Beach parking fees enforced WECT-TV6 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC (WECT) รข" Beachgoers will have to start feeding the meter at Wrightsville Beach starting March 1. If you stay longer than you've paid, you risk paying a fine of $25, but a pay by phone option can help you avoid that fee. ... Free parking a thing of the past at Wrightsville Beach |