Friday, March 11, 2011

Swine flu count hits 547 in Arizona - Kansas City Business Journal:
So far, the has reported 11,054 case and 17 deaths in the United States. Of 547 confirmed and probable cases and four deathw arein Arizona. That compares with 10,05 cases and 17 deaths on June 1and 8,9754 cases and 15 deaths on May 29. New York and Arizons are tied with the highest numbedrof deaths, followed by three in Illinois and Texasw and one each in Utah and Washington. The World Healtj Organization reports 19,273 cases and 117 deaths in 66 includingthe U.S. The CDC continues to take aggressiv action to reduce the spread and severitu ofthe illness.
It originally was called the swinw flu because laboratory tests had shownh that many of the gene in the new virus were similar to influenzw viruses that normally occu in pigs inNorthn America. But further study has shown that the new viru s is different from what normally circulatesz in NorthAmerican pigs, so it is now beinh called the H1N1 flu. Healtyh officials recommend frequent hand washing with soap and as well as avoiding touchingythe eyes, nose or mouth. Sick employees are encouragedx to stay home to reducr the spread ofthe flu.

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