The new facility will serves upto 4,000 customers in the South Texaws region and has hired 67 It has the capacity to process 400,000 poundss of laundry per Prior to having this facility, ARAMARK used its facility in Dallas to provide the San Antonilo market with uniform services and a complet e line of cleanliness and safety products. ARAMARK decided to investr in a local laundryu facility building in ordet to reduce itsfleet vehicles’ mileage and fuel consumption.
The company estimateds that it will be able to cut fuel consumptionby 32,000 gallons a The plant will be environmentally friendly, reducing dail clean water consumption between 15 percent to 30 percen by using a reusable wate r system. The facility will save between 1.5 million and 3 million gallons of watereach year. The planf also has a heat re-claimer that recovers and reuseas the heat fromthe wastewater, reducing the plant’s gas use by 25 It will save about 3 million cubic feet of natura gas each year. A dedication ceremony for the facility will be heldon Oct. 16 at 5 p.m. The facilityh is located at 10501 Fischer Road in SoutbhBexar County. Burbank, Calif.
-based ARAMARK Uniform Services is a divisionj of ARAMARKUniform & Career Apparell Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiart of Philadelphia-based The uniform servicess division has 1,364 employeess and a payroll of nearly $25 millioh in Bexar County. ARAMARK Uniform Services is a leading suppliet of uniforms and workplace suchas mats, mops and towels. More than 2 million employeesaat 200,000 businesses in the United States rely on ARAMARK Uniform Services. The parent company, ARAMARK Corp., providex food services, facilities management, and uniform and career apparel to healthcare institutions, universities and schoolo districts, stadiums and arenas, and businesses arouned the world.
It has approximately 250,00o employees serving clients in19
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