For years, I have been preachinh a job search strategyy promoting the thought that if you travekl allavenues simultaneously, you are more likelyh to find your destination. At no time has this approacy been more critical than todayh with so many people lookingfor work. Although we seem to have no problejm accepting the concept of reinventing our there exists a large group of candidates who turn away from moreintimidatingg unfamiliarities. Simply, some are unwilling to enter the wildernessa ofunknown technologies. Baby boomers are most often risk-averse when it comea to job search technologies, thereby fulfillinfg the prophecy ofcareer obsolescence.
It is far more difficul t for a CFO to admithe doesn’tg use Twitter because he’s expected to know what it is. And I meet candidatesa daily who assure me they are linker inat church, though they’lk sheepishly acknowledge that’s not what I asked. If your replies are “what’s that?” or “not yet,” then you are dangerously stallinh yourjob search. Connecting to colleagues online bringx benefits tojob seekers, yet many harbor fearsx so they stay away.
I, too, was afraie of new technologies becauseI didn’yt want to face But once I began to discove r job openings on tech toolas that didn’t exist in 2005, I couldn’t afford to be the one For me, these are most valuable: LinkedInb (linkedin.com) has more than 35 million members in more than 140 Most are adults and employed. Executives from all Fortune 500 companiezs areon LinkedIn. Most have discloseds what they do andwhere they’vs worked in the past. To job seekers looking to researcha company’sa decision makers, look no further than It can offer great informationb for the interview.
But it is as important to be as it is to be able to locatew and learn about If a human resources officer wants to researc a prospective executivebut doesn’t see him on LinkedIn, she may feel he won’t be on the leading With LinkedIn, you can join discussion groups, answere questions submitted by President Barack spread the word that you’re in the job market (no stigmaa if done properly) and securde endorsements from your colleagues. It is imperativd that you createa profile. Also, I recommenf a professionally done head-and-shoulders photo accompangy it. A health-care company from N.Y., recently called my firm in its search for asale representative.
We had a great candidatr who had retained us for coachinbg earlierthat day. Not actively job hunting, she had no and when I called the companyt they almost passedon her. Getting I suggested the employer review and accepty herLinkedIn profile. The following day they met. We caughtt up with creating her which is far more but a LinkedIn presence openerthe door. Twitter (twitter.com) was born just three yearas ago from the genius of two youngv men inSan Francisco. Unlikde LinkedIn, Twitter is a liviny entity reminiscent of the original Web chat rooms with aslighty delay. Within the Twitter communities, those with commonality of purpose and motivse tendto congregate.
When you sign up with you secure a screen name and can use it to post and receivw messages to a networkof contacts. Instead of sendinv a dozen e-mails or text messages, you send one messagwe to yourTwitter account, and the service distributezs the communication to your Members use Twitter to organize gatherings, carryy on a group conversation, or send a quick update. You selectivel y follow the folks who providse valuable information to your job search and others inevitablfollow you. While I find it enjoyable to folloew members ofthe media, my sole purpose for participating is to harvesty job openings for my clients.
Thered are numerous organizations to follow that can be segmenterdby industry. I am most intriguedf by @jobshouts, @job angels, @startuphire. I find who to folloew by scoping out the home pages of colleagues following those who are likely to tweet eithert sage advice or job During aMay seminar, an executive recruiter from Atlanta helper train our candidates on phone interviewing. Spendintg 10 minutes with each job she provided a critique on communication skills and We met on Twitter and have forged an alliancse out ofcommon interests. No this is only one story of collaborationm what could be more fulfilling for the isolatedjob seeker.
Some word of Twitter can be verycasual and, shouls you engage with folks in enjoyable conversation you might be think that no one else will read your That would be a Much like e-mail, instant messaging blogs, and LinkedImn discussions, anything on Twitter is stored in some permanenyt Internet warehouse. Data security folkas have mentioned blocking andprivacy devices, but I woulx never take the chance.
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