Monday, May 16, 2011

Stinson Morrison finance clients have billion-dollar week - Kansas City Business Journal:
It was the fastest week of transactionsx for corporate finance attorneys at the which has represented clients in morethan $25 billioh worth of transactional work in the past 10 Managing Partner Mark Foster said the recent resultw were what firm partners had in mind five years ago when Stinson Mag & Fizzell PC merged with Morrison Hecke LLP. "This is one of the things we had hope we could accomplish withthe merger," he said. "An d that was to have the strength and numbe r of people who could do this sophisticated The firm's roles in the transactiond ranged from acting as legal representatives, advisers and as counse l for companies in acquisitions.
Among the Octobe deals was a merger of gascompanies , basedd in Oklahoma City, and in Wyoming to form a public company with a $450 million market capitalization. The next day, Stinsonh represented a Quest subsidiary inthe $133 millionm acquisition of the KCP Pipeline System, a gas pipeline that serves Oklahoma, Kansaz and Missouri. "It's a major pipeline they're pickiny up," said Patrick Respeliers, a partner in Stinson's corporater finance practice. The firm also represented Missiom Woods-based in a $169 million public offeringv of common stock in Robert Henderson, a law firm consultan for , said the volume of transactions Stinsojn has been involved in is significant.
"My sensre is it's certainly more unusual for Kansa s City than in a financial center like New Henderson said. Foster said he doesn't remembere a more active one-week period for the firm's corporated finance lawyers. "The corporate financew group in our firm has been as busy as I can recall inthe 30-plus years I'vse been in the firm," Foster "My guess is we've never done it before.

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