It will be the only UNC Systej classroom building designed specificallyt to servethe businesses, organizations and residents of an urbamn center. The facility, to be constructed at Nintj andBrevard streets, is slated for completion in 2011. It will featurse 143,000 square feet of classrooms, public spacee and faculty offices. “I its entirety, the Center City Buildin project will be a catalys for redevelopment in the historicFirst Ward,” Duboia said. “A four-acre park and urban village development are plannecd for areas adjacent to our stunning newacademic building.
Imaginew students arriving by light rail and relaxing in Firsty Ward Park before heading off to class in the CenterCity Building.” The building has been designedf by architectural firm in partnership with Charlotte-based . The Center City Building will hous ethe school’s MBA program and Urbanj Design Studio. Students also will be able to attend graduate-levelk courses in the collegessof engineering, health and human services, liberal arts and and the college of arts and architecture’s new master’sa program in urban design.
The building, whichj will include 25 classrooms, will replace the school’s 15,000-square-foort branch in the Mint Museum ofCraft + Design on Nort h Tryon Street. The buildinh also will featurea 300-seaf auditorium that will be available for public events, alonyg with 7,000 square feet of space on the first two floorsw for public receptions and events. States lawmakers approved $45.8 million in public fundxs for construction. Other costs are covered by a capitaol allocation from the university and support from the UNCCharlottwe Foundation. UNC Charlotte is the fourth-largesft campus of the 17 institutions in the UNC Fall enrollment totaled includingnearly 5,000 graduate students.
The university expecta to have 25,000 students by 2012 and as manyas 35,009 by 2020.
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